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Compare two excel worksheets

New VBA User

New Member
Hello All,

i am looking for assistance in comparing two excel worksheets and updating the data as necessary.

Master File/ Worksheet:

ID Name Status

Real Time File/ Worksheet:
ID Name Status

I want to compare Real Time Worksheet with Master Worksheet. Whatever data is not present in Master should be appended. For the data existing in Master it should check for changes in Status in Real Time worksheet and make updates in master worksheet accordingly.

Thank you for your help!
Hi there,

Before resorting to VBA, have you tried using a pivot table? With a pivot table you can just refresh and all changes/new data will be there.
Is this an option?

Thank you for your response. I have not thought about Pivot as an option since I would subsequently want to highlight the changes in the Master File
Hi there,

Before resorting to VBA, have you tried using a pivot table? With a pivot table you can just refresh and all changes/new data will be there.
Is this an option?

How does it works and in which version this feature is available.