Hi Henk ,
The 2 buttons were given only because your file already has data in it , and you now wish to colour the cells in columns L and M.
If you are starting with a workbook which does not have any data , and you wish the cells to be coloured as you add fresh data , then just delete the two buttons. The Worksheet_Change event macro will colour each new row in columns L and M , as you add fresh data in columns A through K.
Auto clear is not really required since without any data , the cells will never be coloured. If you are going to change your already entered data and you wish to colour the cells based on the revised data , I think the event macro should still work correctly. I'll check this out.
If your data range extends to row 3000 or row 5000 , there is no problem ; the named range should take care of this. However , if you change the starting row from 3 to any other number , then you should change the formula , for the named range , in the Refers To box ; at present it is :
If the starting row is anything other than 3 , then the reference Sheet1!$L$3 should be changed to whatever is the new starting row.