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compare statistical distributions in excel


New Member
Hi!i need to compare binomial,poisson,geometric and normal distributions in excel. I need to allow users enter values. How can that be done??


Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

You would typically setup an input area

Then a series of cells that setup an X-Range for each series based on the inputs

Then setup a corresponding Y-Values for each X-Series also based on the inputs

Then add a chart or charts to display the results
hi!thanks for replying

how would i set up an input area??is it just by letting some cells blank after a label of what to enter??

also what are the things that the user need to enter??a probability distribution table,their values of x and their corresponding probabilities??or only n(fixed no of trials) and p(probability of success) and the probability distribution fixed for all the different distributions??

in addition to doing the different graphs,i need to calculate mean,variance and standard deviation

Please help me i need to submit this assignment today before midnight:(:(

Are you doing this for a school assignment?

For a Normal Distribution you need to know the Mean, and Standard deviation, then decide how often you want to plot a point between a Minimum (Mean - 3 or 4 * SD) and a Maximum (Mean + 3 or 4 * SD)

Then work out the Y value at each plot point

Then chart it

a Similar process for the other distributions

You may want to look at:

yep it's an assignment!i cant understand what's in the link :S:S:S

i need to compare the 4 distributions..any ideas how to proceed??

I have mocked up a simple example

Have a look at : https://www.dropbox.com/s/c3jlh5v0vgtquwf/Stats1.xlsx

You can change values to suit

You can change from normal to Cummulative