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Compare PO list (Ext SKU) with Received list (Ext Int SKU) then display match


New Member
Hello. I have two workbooks of Data. One contains external SKU's from PO's. The other work book contains External SKU's with their corresponding internal SKU's that have been created by us. I want to compare the two lists to find out which items appear on one list but not the other. I would like the non matches to be displayed in another workbook or cell. For the items that do match I want them displayed in another workbook or cell with the corresponding internal SKU.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Hi ,

Can you please copy + paste a few ( say 5 or 10 ) rows from your two workbooks here ? Include the headings ( titles ) and the range addresses in your post.

Workbook - PO


IPH4-OST-10 Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Orange

IPH4-OST-4 Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Dark Green

IPH4-OST-2 Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Brown

IPH4-OST-1 Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Black

IPH4-OST-11 Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Grey

IPH4-OST-9 Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Sapphire Blue

Workbook - Received

internal_sku external_sku

ITKYIPC0305 iph4-cro-9

ITKYIPC0102 iph4-ost-2

ITKYIPC0506 iph4-sn-06

ITKYIPC0408 iph4-gt-08

ITKYIPC0304 iph4-cro-6

ITKYIPC0101 iph4-ost-1
Hi ,

Thanks for the data.

As I understand it , you want to do the following :

1. Display those items which figure in workbook PO , but are not present in workbook Received.

2. Display those items which figure in workbook Received , but are not present in workbook PO.

3. Where items are present in both workbooks , display data from both workbooks as follows :

ITKYIPC0102 ..... iph4-ost-2 ..... Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Brown

ITKYIPC0101 ..... iph4-ost-1 ..... Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Black

Can you confirm this ?

That is correct except there is one more column in the PO workbook. "PO" would be in the column next to the "SKU/Article" column. So the displayed info for the matches would be -

123456 .... ITKYIPC0102 ..... iph4-ost-2 ..... Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Brown

123456 .... ITKYIPC0101 ..... iph4-ost-1 ..... Ostrich iPhone 4 Case - Black

Thank you!
Hi ,

Can you download the 2 workbooks as per the following links and check out the formulae ?

1. https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=754467ba13646a3f&sc=documents&event_source=CloseButton&id=754467BA13646A3F%21102#!/view.aspx?cid=754467BA13646A3F&resid=754467BA13646A3F%21114

2. https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=754467ba13646a3f&sc=documents&event_source=CloseButton&id=754467BA13646A3F%21102#!/view.aspx?cid=754467BA13646A3F&resid=754467BA13646A3F%21115

Since the hyperlink does not include the full address , copy the entire address and paste it in your browser.
