Sub test()
Dim ws1 As String, ws2 As String, rng As String, msg As String
Dim x, i As Long, ii As Long, flg As Boolean
With Application
.EnableEvents = False: .ScreenUpdating = False
End With
With Me
ws1 = .[h5]: ws2 = .[h6]
If (ws1 = "") + (ws2 = "") Then Exit Sub
If Not IsSheetExists(ws1) Then msg = ws1 & " is missing"
If Not IsSheetExists(ws2) Then msg = msg & vbLf & ws2 & " is missing"
If Len(msg) Then MsgBox msg: Exit Sub
.Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Resize(, 4).Clear
Sheets(ws1).Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Copy .Cells(1)
With .Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Resize(, 4)
.FormatConditions.Add 2, Formula1:="=r[0]c[0]<>'" & ws2 & "'!r[0]c[0]"
.FormatConditions(1).Interior.Color = vbRed
x = Evaluate("if(row(1:" & .Rows.Count & "),if(" & .Address & "<>'" & _
ws2 & "'!" & .Address & ",row(" & .Address & "),""""))")
For i = UBound(x, 1) To 2 Step -1
For ii = 1 To UBound(x, 2)
If x(i, ii) <> "" Then flg = True: Exit For
If Not flg Then .Rows(i).Resize(, 5).Delete xlShiftUp
flg = False
End With
With .Cells(1).CurrentRegion
If .Rows.Count > 1 Then
With .Offset(1).Columns(5).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1)
.Value = Evaluate("if(mod(row(" & .Address & "),2),h6,h5)")
End With
End If
End With
End With
With Application
.EnableEvents = True: .ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub