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Combo Box Summary with Dependent List


New Member

I have Region and Branches under dependant combo box.

In Summary, have achived the result of model wise and region wise, but not able to get the information when i select the perticuler branch.

Example:- Under Region tab, there are 5 Region, North, East, South, West, Online and Complete India and under each region there are branches.
What my requirement is: when i select any region, total sum should appear of that perticular region. But when i choose to have an overview of the branch, total sum of material also appear in same formula.

Under Single Formula, Total Sum of Region and Brach should be appear.

Hope your expertiese can give a solution of my problem.


  • Dummy Data.xlsx
    555.2 KB · Views: 5
Please help me on this..

actually am not able to get the desire information in nested formula, though if have to choose branch, than results are there by using sumif and index, problem here is, both the results (First Region then Branch) should appear under one coloum.


Okay ... but
... I've some minor challenges ...
Your sample data misses still Your named date (for month on month basis/product wise) and Category.
Region North has data only with LUC branch.
Your expected results Models are missing too.
Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 13.16.31.png
Do You really expect to get 17 results with one formula?
Those Your sample three sheets should have something else to use those with any formulas.