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Combining different chart types


New Member
Does anyone know if it is possible to combine different chart types? (i.e. a filled radar chart in the back of a normal radar chart?)

I try combing a filled radar chart with a regular one (by pasting it into it) and the last chart to paste is what chart type they all follow.

I could manually have two charts (one with no fill to be transparent to see through, but just wondering. Thanks!
Some chart types can be combined, like Columns and Lines

With others put one in front of the other

Make the front ones Chart Area and Plot Area transparent

You can use snap (Alt Drag) to cell corners when placing to make them the same size if required
I figured it out accidentally!

When combining different chart types by pasting into another, it will take the chart type of the chart you are pasting and change the original. BUT you can select specific data series and change the chart type.

It works with filled radar graphs and radar graphs.

I will keep in mind the snap to cell corner technique, thanks!