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combining concatenate and vlookup?


New Member
Hi All,

Been lurking awhile using the other forums to help me tackle this data, now Just need a little more help if at all possible :)


Above is the link to a sample of the data I am working with.

When I enter a shipment number into a new worksheet, I have used vlookup to pull driver name, date and the condition base value. What I would also like to do is find all the unique ship-to-name for a given job number then concatenate (or similiar) into one cell.

I.e. For the first lot of data with the same shipment number, Wellington City occurs 5 times, and Wellington Lower Hutt occurs 3. Id like one of the cells to come up with Wellington City + Wellington Lower Hutt (the plus sign helps show it is 2 separate jobs) In this case the data entry is around A50.

Column E is irrelevant, just something to help me read the data.

Thanks in advance for any assistance,


Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Take a look here:


I think this should be able to assist you
Cool, thanks for the link Hui.

Don't quite understand it %100 but it works so thanks.

Like the link, my output now generates the list based of the shipment number I enter. Is there a way to, eliminate/ignore the duplicate values and then Concatenate or similiar them into a single list?

Tried updating the googledoc with the above formula but no joy.