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Combining 2 dynamic lists


New Member
Request the valuable assistance of all the Excel Gurus with this challenge

I have 2 dynamic excel lists in a single sheet

List 1 - Item A, Item B, Item C ...

List 2 - Item P, Q, B, A1..

Some items are common in both the list.

My challenge

On another shhet on the same workbook, I need to create a single column that contains the distinct items in List 1 and List 2. (More like the output of a distinct UNION query in database parlance)

This is a dynamic data set meaning, List 1 and List 2 are pulled from a database based on different criterias and cut pasting/sorting is not an option.

Any idea would be highly appreciated.



Firstly welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

I set up 2 lists on Sheet 1

The first value in List 1 was a and in list 2 was z

You can use a SQL query to query the same file

it will be something like

On Sheet 2

I used a Data Connection and an SQL query


FROM [code]Sheet1$

Union All

SELECT Sheet1$

FROM Sheet1$[/code]

That put a single list with all the unique values in it

I think you can set them to update every x minutes ?

Hopefully an SQL person will jump in here and help out

I am sure I should be able to use named Ranges but couldn't get them to be recognised
Thank you so much Hui.

I never knew that you coulduse Data Connection to link back to the same page. Let me try this

I am planning to save the file as an Excel template so that when the user open the file, the data gets refreshed.

However, thanks once again for taking time to post a solution.

