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code to call a function


New Member
i have written this code to code a function nameexists. I tried running it without success. Pls can the pro's help me look into it and make suggestions for ammendment.

Dim address As Range, name As String

Dim resp As String 'temp variable to hold input box variable; pass contents to address and name

Dim i As Integer

Set address = Range("A2:A14")

For i = 2 To 14

name = Range("address").Cells(i).Value

resp = InputBox("Enter Name Here", "Greetings")


MsgBox "Does Name Exist? " & NameExists(address, name)

End Sub

Function NameExists(address As Range, name As String) As Boolean

Dim resp As String

Dim cell As Range

Dim i As Integer

NameExists = False

For Each cell In Range("address").Cells.Value

If name = resp Then

NameExists = True

End If


End Function

To assign a range to an array

first Dimension the array as a Variant

then just assign it

You don't need to step through the array cell by cell


Dim name As Variant
name = Range("A2:A14").Value
Now you have an array Name which has 12 values stored like










To tidy up the whole code

I suggest you modify as below

Sub h()
Dim Name As Variant
Dim Resp As Variant

Name = Range("A12:A14").Value
Resp = InputBox("Enter Name Here", "Greetings")
MsgBox "Does Name Exist? " & NameExists(Name, Resp)
End Sub

Function NameExists(Name As Variant, Resp As Variant) As Boolean
NameExists = False
For Each c In Name
If c = Resp Then NameExists = True
End Function
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Can some one please tell me why shoes1796 and others post this crap, just what do they expect to get from it other than really p*%*ing of the true users of this board
see comments below each line:

Sub h()

Dim Name As Variant

Dim Resp As Variant

Name = Range("A12:A14").Value

'Assigns the values from the Range to the Variant

'Producing a 12 Row x 1 Column Variant Array

Resp = InputBox("Enter Name Here", "Greetings")

MsgBox "Does Name Exist? " & NameExists(Name, Resp)

End Sub

Function NameExists(Name As Variant, Resp As Variant) As Boolean

'Pass Name and Resp to here as Variants

NameExists = False

'Set default NameExists value

For Each c In Name

'Loop through each element in the Name array

If c = Resp Then NameExists = True

'Check if the Resp = to the current element of the array


End Function