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Class Schedule


New Member
I am trying to create a class schedule with excel for my school. Right now I am stuck. I want to be able to put all the students on the master schedule then be able to create individual schedules with the teachers they are taking from it. I have tried several 'If' statements and nothing is working. I don't know if it is even possible to do. Let me know if anyone has done this before and might have some answers. Thanks!
Hi ,

If you can upload some data , and supply the rules , help will certainly be forthcoming.

Any class schedule will have the basic data :

1. Classes and their timings

2. Teachers and their classes

3. Students and their classes

The rules may be specific to your school , teachers , students , classes. If you can specify all the rules , we can take this forward.

Here are instructions for posting a file...they are in the sticky's at the top :)


I would like to enter student names on the 'master schedule' then they would transfer to the 'schedule student' sheet or to the 'indiv schedule' and automatically create individual schedules for students with their teachers.

Let me know if this is possible or if there is a better way to make this happen.

Perhaps this will help out:


It's fairly basic in what it does, but it does it well.