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You also sent an email to me. So I am posting the same reply here.


Thanks for your email and joining VBA Classes.

I am sorry to know that you think we are cheating you. You are the first one to say this in over 5000 satisfied customers, 50,000 members and more than half-a-million monthly visitors to our business & website.

As you can clearly read on our VBA Classes sign-up sales page (which has not changed much since we originally launched this program in 2011) -


You get 6 Months access to our classroom area

Despite saying 6 months, we actually provide 1 month free extension to all our students. I am glad to extend the same to you. Also, all our courses come with download option which gives you ability to download hd videos so that you can view / repeat them even after 6 month access period is over. We have to limit access to our website as there is a cost involved in running it. Also, our course has just 24 hours of video material and we noticed that most students finish the course in first 3 months.

Instead of calling me a cheat or feeling disappointed, why don't you tell me how I can help you. As a teacher, I believe my responsibility ends not when a student enrolls in the course, but when they get the knowledge. I am happy to offer you free 3 month extension so that you can go ahead and learn VBA & become awesome.

If you wish to go down the route of blaming me for your negligence to read the program details and finish a course you purchased, I am not sure how to respond than ignore.

- yours,


Once again we thank you for your business and I am deeply sorry you had this bad experience.
Hi there,

I have done online VBA course with Chandoo.org and it was quite good. It would be great if you could mail to chandoo about your concern instead posting like this. Chandoo is a master for all of us and it doesn't feel good if someone tells like this.


I didn't enroll a single course on chandoo.org but i can say that chandoo will not cheat any1...

if you ask him anything he will surely help you out...
From reading your posts I would say with out any fear or contradiction you are totally out of order.

You complain about the course running out of its stipulate limit and not being able access the courses online, you do not contact Chandoo to explain and ask for an extension, you do not download the course content to view at YOUR CONVINENCE, you do nothing to help yourself??? What do you do, you defame someone’s good name and character by labelling them a cheat.

Chandoo has taken the time and displayed good manners and a great deal of patience to explain all this to you and also point out that this is the first time someone has complained like this about the courses.

From your actions I would say you are not the type of person to offer an apology and it is blinding obvious something you should do, as an aside I do not think your weak actions will endear you to members of the board should you need Excel help.

It would seem you are in Canada, you are unlike most Canadians who display manners and courtesies ,you are completely devoid of this characters, both of which cost nothing