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Charts are duplicated upon Save


New Member

- My Excel workbookeetile has numerous worksheet tabs containing weekly call center data. There are formulas and values in each of the tabs.

- I have one tab that contains summary data and 3 charts. There are no links to the weekly data since I manually calculate and paste the weekly summaries into this worksheet. There are basic formulas which perform sum and avg calculations on this tab, but nothing that I would consider heavy duty.

- I am publishing web pages (HTM format) from several of the tabs using the auto-publish feature.

- The worksheet was originated in Excel 2003 but I have saved it as a 2007 xlsx file am now on Excel 2010.

- The workbook is stored on a network share, and the generated HTM files are also published to the same network drive where I have Full access permissions.

Problem description:

- When I opened the file this morning, I noticed that the worksheet containing the 3 charts was taking longer than normal to load. Since there are only 3 charts on the sheet, I would expect it to open fairly quickly.

- My 3 charts are arranged one on top of the other where each is fully visible (not stacked on top of one another).

- I dragged one of the charts to the side accidentally as I inadvertently selected the whole chart and not a label within the chart.

- Low and behold, I found a duplicated copy of the chart, sitting directly underneath it. I dragged the duplicated copy to the side and found yet another duplicate.

- I checked the other two tabs and found the same duplication issue. There were over 20 duplicates of each chart in the worksheet.

I spent some time deleting the duplicate charts.

Then I tested save operations with the worksheet.

- When my charts tab had focus and I hit Save, the charts would not duplicate.

- When I placed focus on another tab and hit Save, the charts would duplicate intermitently. Some times the charts would create duplicates as an image object (not a truly interactive chart) and sometimes it would replicate as a cloned chart.

Has anyone else experienced this issue?

I thought my co-worker's file was corrupted with a virus of some sort when he told me about it. He ended up creating a new spreadsheet altogether and copied the pieces he wanted in his new file.

Now that it has happened to me in a totally different worksheet, I have a feeling there is a bug in Excel.

I have created a couple of other spreadsheets and duplicated the issue.

All my searches on google and on this board turned up no solutions. I found that another person was experiencing the issue here:


If anyone has insight on this, I'd appreciate it.


It sounds as if you have some VBA which is duplicating the charts under some specific circumstances.

Have a look through your VBA for any lines with a .Chart or a activechart.select in them

or any procedures called

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)


Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)


Private Sub Workbook_NewChart(ByVal Ch As Chart)

and look for any offending code
Thanks Hui. I looked through the VBA and did not find any code at all in the workbook. This particular workbook that demonstrates the issue was created from scratch with no macros or VB code. I had hoped that if I started a worksheet from scratch the problem would go away.

It didn't.

It looks and smells like a bug to me.
Here is a before and after snapshot of the list of objects on one of my worksheets.



- The items blocked off in GREEN are the valid objects on the worksheet

- The items blocked off in RED are the duplicate objects that are created after the SAVE / Auto-Republish operation (which I initiate manually or upon closing the workbook).

- The bad objects series enumerated to 'Picture 96' so there were 12 duplicates of each of the 8 'good' charts on the worksheet, stacked on top of each other in perfect alignment so the worksheet only appeared to display 8 good objects to the naked eye.

- I highlighted one of the duplicate objects 'Chart 8' in yellow. You may notice that Excel places a thin line just below this bad object. The interesting thing is I can consistently delete this first bad object (above the line) and it will automatically remove the rest of the bad objects/duplicates. So I don't have to manually delete each one individually (thank goodness for that!).


- After deleting the first bad object above the 'line', my worksheet now only contains the 8 good objects (charts in my case).

I'm baffled by this.

Hey Charles... I know I'm a bit delayed here, but did you ever find a resolution to your issue? I'm having the same problem and its been a real pain! Any help if you have would be greatly appreciated!

