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Chart data not showing


Excel Ninja
Good Evening All

I have had very little to do with charts but I have a problem that I can not solve. I have selected the data and inserted the chart but no matter what I do the value data is not shown? the horizontal should show the monetary values as in the data.

You need retype your data. it is not a number.

The data is text. It needs to be converted to a number
Good Evening Montrey

I have changed the data to number, first just the data value and then the whole data but still I can not get the values to show?? I have re-posted the newest chart, Me thinks it is time to open the malt and as Chandoo says try it under the AUI (malt of course)

Bob. When I open your file. It recognizes everything as text. I then convert all the data to a number and everything shows up on the chart!

Maybe try a new file?


Maybe a Carlsberg's six-pack was too much after "sorting out the lawns"?


I appreciate your time and trouble, I have converted data to numbers in the the last upload but have done as your suggestion and copied data to a new workbook but still no joy. I have uploaded number three https://dl.dropbox.com/u/75495784/Clustered_Chart_Inported_Data3.xlsx ...... but I think it is a case of not seeing the woods for the trees :)

SirJB7 if the boss (my dear wife) gave me a six pack of Calsberg to cut the lawns I can assure you that the lawns would be trimmed daily.

As was said above your data is text and not a number

In B8: Put =VALUE(RIGHT(B2,LEN(B2)-1))

Copy across 4 columns and down 4 rows

Copy this new data

Paste Special values over the original data

or you can copy the following block

18580	69225	16326	10017	26134
78970	82262	48640	49985	73428
94236	99000	79022	71009	81474
16730	19730	12109	11355	17686
35358	42685	20893	16065	21388
or select B2:F6

Ctrl H

Find What: $

Replace with: (leave blank)

Replace All

Good Morning All

My thanks to all for their help, definitely a case of AUI. Hui your explanations where clear and concise my thanks, the sun is not over the yard arm yet buy when it is pour your self a stiff malt. :)


Don't dislike your avatar too much, look at mine, SpongeBob in red :(
