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Change an Expression to Value


New Member
Is there a way that an expression in a cell for volume, LBH = XxYxZ

can give a (SUM) Value as X*Y*Z
Hi, mohanam!

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And about your question...

I don't know if I'm omiting something, but in Excel you can type this formula for getting the volume of a parallelepiped, =A1*B1*C1

being the LBH in cells A1:C1.

Thanks SirJB7

But my question is different

My expression for LBH in a single cell A1 = (say) 30x20x10 is non-mathematical

Can any menthod convert this to sum 6000 as A1:C1

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

The answer is sort of?

You can use the Excel Version 4 Evaluate function

This isn't a worksheet function and can only be used with Named Formula

It is discussed here: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/05/16/lost-excel-functions/

In practice put values in A1, B1 & C1

Name The Formulas as L, B, H respectively

In D1 type =L*B*H

Then setup a Name Formula called Volume =Evaluate(D1)

Then in the worksheet you can use =Volume
Instead of conventional practice

I wish show physical dimensions in cell A1 as LxBxH (as Text)

Volume (LBH) in cells A2 or B1, as =+(L*B*H)
If you name 3 Cells as L, B & H

Then in another cell use =L*B*H

is that what your after ?

Refer an example: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nksep3pn0126xif/LBH.xls
On re-reading the question

If A1 has '=10*5*2

=MID(A1,2,FIND("*",A1)-2) * MID(A1,FIND("*",A1)+1,FIND("*",A1,FIND("*",A1)+1)-FIND("*",A1)-1) * RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("*",A1,FIND("*",A1)+1))

It's great, I got the answer.

=10*5*2 is good for me

This is part of our logistic documentation

Logistic people, in their Packing List will understand

dimensions as L x B x H; the volume then is coverted to Vol.weight.

Hence, my question to convert 10x5x2 into volume

[eg. Packing slip needs to show both 10x5x2 - dimensions; (100/6000) = 0.0166 kg - weight]

Therefore, is it possible to convert 10x5x2 to =10*5*2

Thanks for your help
You can use the same formula and just convert the *'s to x's

If A1 has '=10x5x2

=MID(A1,2,FIND("x",A1)-2) * MID(A1,FIND("x",A1)+1,FIND("x",A1,FIND("x",A1)+1)-FIND("x",A1)-1) * RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("x",A1,FIND("x",A1)+1))
Thanks Hui,

You are an excellent ninja

One final question


can "=" be hidden as apostrophe hides

If you just type into A1: 10x5x2 without the = or '

Then use the adjusted formula:

=MID(A1,1,FIND("x",A1)-1) * MID(A1,FIND("x",A1)+1,FIND("x",A1,FIND("x",A1)+1)-FIND("x",A1)-1) * RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("x",A1,FIND("x",A1)+1))