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Change a Pivot Table Formula within the Totals Column


New Member
HI! I need to figure out a way to subtract the totals column from a different totals column. For example:

If my first column totals 10, and my second column totals 17, I need the difference in the totals to reflect in my fist column. 10-17=7 (so my first column is showing the difference within the pivot table)

Double click on the field bar for the data you want to show the difference in. In the field setting, under options, you should be able to change the "Show data as" setting to a "Difference from" setting.
Fred- It will not allow me to change the formula within the pivot table..am I supposed to try the formula you suggested in the raw data section?
FRED- THANKS!! That worked when I did it on the raw data sheet! However, it takes the total of all..it there a way to do it in sub totals?