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Excel Ninja
Chandoo you have a sense of humor worse than mine

Taken from Chandoo's Vlookup Book

Trying to understand Excel formulas without using Excel is like shaving a monkey’s head while hanging upside down from a tree branch. It can be done, but very few would survive (the monkeys I mean).

Any one wanting to understand different types of lookup's should buy this book comes complete with worked examples.

http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-VLOOKUP-Book-ebook/dp/B00GA9HSOG/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1383339144&sr=1-1&keywords=vlookup book

cheaper and safer than trying to shave a monkeys head......:p


When you see photographs of Chandoo you would think of the monkeys hanging upside down from a tree shaving his head.....:p
Where do you think that the name Pointy Haired Dilbert come from? Chandoo's was the 1st monkey in the experiment! :D
He liked it so much that he took courses to become a barber... I don't know if he succeeded, but he's looking for hanged down people, didn't you notice that he walks thru the forests and jungles looking to the treetops?
You write a whole book about lookup formulas and people hung up about the bad monkey joke in page 1 :p

But again, thanks for letting me know that I need new jokes. I will keep my eyes open and probably use the monkeys for something else.