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Chandoo Daily Calendar


Like many of you, I received the Chandoo daily calendar. My question is; How can I add extras to he drop down list and have them colour code to the calendar? I'm all good with data validation but I cannot get the calendar days to colour code like the current items.
Hi Hamish,

Since this is a chandoo's product, I am forwarding this thread to the Chandoo's Product thread. We can tell you how to do it but it's better if Chandoo himself guide you.


Can you guide.

Ok one more question about the new 4.5 OS. In 4.1 i have my calendar set to monthly view by default and if i see an appointment on a certain day i go to it and it will automatically take me to the first appointment since my start time is 5am to 12pm. With the new 4.5 OS it always goes to 5AM if i have an appointment or not when i click on one of the days for the daily view. I have played with all the settings under calendar and it just does not work?

Any help is appreciated since this is really a huge annoyance.