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Cell Link to a Hyperlink?


New Member

Apologies for what may be a simple question; my searches have been fruitless so far!

I've got an Excel Workbook containing a 'Master' sheet and several sub-sheets. (Running Excel for Mac, 2011). The sub-sheets contain only links to cells in the master sheet. The sub-sheets allow for easier searching through different categories of information in the master sheet, but because all sub-sheet data is linked to the master, I only need to edit one cell to have the changes reflected in all the sub-sheet categories.

A set of cells in the master contain hyperlinks to external web pages and documents. When I use the 'Paste Special' > 'Paste Link' command to populate the sub-sheet cells, I see the text of the hyperlink, but the hyperlink is not active. If I simply 'paste all', then the hyperlink is active, but it is not linked to the master sheet.

My question is: how do I (preferably in a single operation) create a cell link in my sub sheet that refers to the master sheet and remains an active hyperlink?

Thanks in advance for your help!
I don't think you can do that. The hyperlink to the external sites is only on the Master Sheet. On the sub-sheets, you can either place a hyperlinklink to the Hyperlink (sort of like a layover on a plane flight), a regular link showing just the text of the hyperlink, or you can copy the hyperlink.

It would take two clicks but I think the hyperlink to the main hyperlink would be your best bet.
Possible, but it starts getting tricky. =)

Depends a lot on how the hyperlinks are setup; whether it's a formula or just embedded into the cell.

Thanks for the confidence!
Hi, sbglobal2012!

Give a look at this file:


It's a just formula solution, no macros.

If you can afford to use a helper column check solution at cell C1 of sheets Slave1 and Slave2. You can easily then hide column B of slave sheets and these sheets will keep their previous aspect. You'd only need to unhide them when modifying original links to Master sheet.

Not sure I totally understand the application but if you had a master sheet with a list of web addresses

eg: A2 had the text http://www.chandoo.org

Then you can use =HYPERLINK('Master Sheet'!A2,"Chandoo.org") anywhere

If you change the value in A2 it updates all the links automagically