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Cant get Contains Named Range in Filter to work


New Member
as above. named range works fine as equals etc but cant get it to work for Contains

named range is strfilterstring

any help greatly appreciated. cheers

ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table__1124_Defects_By_TeamLeader___Test_Path_Dates"). _

Range.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="=*strfilterstring*", Operator:= _


Have a go at the following

Range.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="=*" & strfilterstring & "*", Operator:= xlAnd

I think because you have the strfilterstring inside the " " it will not get seen

Let us knwo how you go
Hui it works a treat, you are a god. thank you very much indeed.

this will save so much time now. We have teamleaders that cover multiple areas and cover multiple systems and they cross over frequently so there isnt an easy logic to it. However with the above code we can now show them which defects are theirs and which could be theirs. Brilliant!

thanks again