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candle-stick and mountain char

Is it possible to layer a candle-stick chart; on top of a mountain-chart?

Correlations intrigue me. I’d like to place the GDP, or employment numbers, in the back-ground; with stock-prices w/volume on top.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

I am not sure about what a Mountain Chart is, I assume you mean an Area chart? If not post a link to an example?

I doubt you could do that all as 1 Chart

You could however physically overlay the two charts and make the background colors for the front chart set to None so it is transparent and shows the back chart through it
Hi, edwalton96@hotmail.com!

May I suggest you to change your nick name? It's too long and it overlaps the comment area making it unreadable. If you want to keep your email address you can put it in the website field of your profile, then when clicking on you nick on any comment the user will be led to your email.
