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Can multiple form letters be generated based on a spreadsheet?


New Member
I am new to using excel. I have a question that could be simple, but it escapes me how to start.

I am trying to create a form letter based on the data from a tracking spreadsheet of over 2000 employees. My responsibility is limited to those matching a specific numerical regional code. For each division in my region, an email must be sent and copied to the department manager to request information regarding employees that have recently completed training but failed to follow up with paperwork.

Goal: I want to automatically create unique emails for each division manager. Each manager would get a letter saying which employee(s) was overdue or due, when each one was overdue, how many times they were contacted. I DO NOT want the emails to be sent automatically, only generated either in Excel or in a text document. To make matters more complicated, I am asked to do this without macros if possible.

Obviously I need to filter for my area responsibility, but after that I am stumped.

Simplified example of spreadsheet:
Region	Divison Name	Training Date	Overdue Date	Status	Email   Acknowledged
1	10001	John	12-Mar-12	12-Aug-12	DUE	1	Yes
1	10003	Jake	19-Sep-08	1-Sep-12	OVERDUE	1	No
1	10004	Jermey	27-Feb-12	10-Aug-12	DUE	1	Yes
1	10001	Josh	24-May-05	11-Aug-12	DUE	1	Yes
1	10001	Joey	9-Mar-12	16-Aug-12	OVERDUE	2	No
1	10005	Joel	1-Mar-12	5-Aug-12	DUE	2	Yes
1	10002	Joanne	5-Mar-12	29-Aug-12	OVERDUE	3	No
1	10005	Johnny	5-Mar-12	29-Aug-12	DUE	0	Yes
1	10006	Jimmy	21-Dec-11	29-Aug-12	DUE	0	Yes
1	11004	J.D.    13-Feb-12	10-Sep-12	DUE	0	No
3	30005	Jessy	27-Feb-12	4-Aug-12	DUE	1	No
manager emails are formulaic: 10001division@email or 1000department@email

Thank you for reading this long problem statment and considering a solution.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Your problem sounds like a Word Mail Merge solution

using Excel as the data source

I'm not sure if you can filter as part of the mail merge or have to do itmanually first, but I'm sure you will work it out