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can I create a dashboard based on dates?


New Member
I am a supervisor within a security company, and there are a lot of licenses and certifications that I must ensure are current. Is there a way that I can create a dashboard or something similar that would display names and dates based on being say 30 and 60 days out? I don't know if Excel is the right program for this but it is all I have available. Thank you in advance for you assistance and help.
Hi ,

If you have all your data in an Excel workbook , then whenever you open this workbook , you can have Excel check whether the licences and certifications are current or how near they are to expiring.

Do you already have all your data entered in an Excel workbook ? If yes , can you upload a sample file with some data , specifying how you would like the information to be presented ?

Hi photosgt85,

Yes, Excel is the right program which can cater your requirement in full. i have been working on data based on dates and excel works perfect for me.

Yes but before suggesting anything to you, one should have an clear idea of how you have the input data and how you want to show it on dashboard.



Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

As the previous two posts have said, Excel is ideal for this provided there aren't Hundreds of Thousands of records.

If you only have a few pages of records, Conditional Formatting to highlight using background color, this months and next months items and manually scrolling may be ideal and is very easy to setup

If you have more than a few hundred items, some form of Filtering may be a better option

It will be useful to know how often the data will be updated and how often you will run reports

As Narrayan said uploading a sample file with some data (real or dummy) is a good starting point. Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
Yes, you can create a dashboard based on date. So you should have sound knowledge in "Filter", "Sorting", "Macro" "VBA coading" etc.

You can easily solve this problem by conditional formatting
