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Can't figure out the right Conditional Formatting rule


New Member
Hi all,

I am working on a variance analysis file for my company comparing new versus old prices (2013 versus 2012). Using conditional formatting, I want to highlight variances larger than |50%|.

The formula I am using to calculate the variance is:

=IFERROR((E2-F2)/F2,"no data")

where E2 = new price & F2 = old price

I use the IFERROR formula and corresponding "no data" result to make the file look nicer when column E2 doesn't display a new price (this will happen as it's possible to use the file for only part of the product portfolio).

The conditional formatting rules I am using are:

Cell value > 50% --> format to red fill/white font

Cell value < -50% --> format to red fill/white font

This works fine, however whenever the cell contains "no data" instead of a value, it is also formatted to red fill/white font.

Which rule could I add so that "no data" is formatted in the same way as normal cells? Or should I use different rules altogether?

Thanks in advance for any help!



as per my understanding your result will be shown in g2 and you are using the formula in

conditionar formating as

=IFERROR((E2-F2)/F2,"no data")

Cell value > 50% --> format to red fill/white font

Cell value < -50% --> format to red fill/white font

create another rule as

specific text= containing = no data and just pres ok

when the result shown as no data then it will in normal mode

Hope it will help

Other wise please give some more details and better to upload a sample work book


@Faseeh, @SP,

Thanks for your replies. Find below the link to a sample workbook:

Hi ,

The formula you are using : =IFERROR((E2-F2)/F2,"no data") , will generate an error only if F2 is 0.

Secondly , if you just want to display "No Data" under this condition , you can always format the cell to display that , and your formula can be changed to =IF(F2=0,0,(E2-F2)/F2) , so that it works even in Excel 2003 , where the IFERROR function is not available.

Thirdly , if you are really using percentages , you can always use the ABS function , and a threshold value of 0.5 ( 50 % ) as in : =IF(F2=0,0,ABS((E2-F2)/F2))>0.5 as the CF formula.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions..It prompted me to have another look myself. The solution was very simple.

I added one rule:

Cell Value = "no data" --> format normally

I must have done something wrong the first time I tried this..