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call macro by clicking value in cell.


Hello Everyone,

Please refer below example.

"In a perfect world perhaps, but as far as I'm concerned it was a great success. So thank you again."

This is value in one of cell in my excel file. like web page (like hyperlink) I would like to call a marco by clicking specific value.

I want to select "perfet" word in above sentence and run macro by basis this word.

is there possible to run macro in editing mode?
Three ways come to mind
1. use a Hyperlink to call a macro; or
2. Use a Double Click event to trigger the macro
3. Put a shape in front of the cell and link that to a macro
Thanks Mr. Hui,

Please refer above example, all I want to click on "suspicious" and show a userform and show the meaning of the word (I will create macro for this).

What is best possible way to do this?

Something like second option. by just clicking the specific word.
Can you please explain what you are trying to do?

Have you considered using Word?
In Word you can select any Text, Right Click on it and select Link

You can't do that in Excel