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My Fore cast file contains six quurter columns based on these six columns i have to crete
12 month columns.these month columns are dynamic example if this month is march
12 columns are march-2013,apr-2013,-----------------,feb-2014
Final forecast file looks like this
1 2, 2 , 3, 4, 5,7 ,q1/3,q2/3,----------------------,q5/3
If it is march. march falls on first quarter so march value is q1/3
apr,may jun,falls on sencond quarter so apr,may,june value is q2/3
feb-2014,falla on q4 quarte so feb-2014 value is q4/3
For next month i.e apr falls on quarter two now my apr-jun quarter gets value from q1
jul-sep gets value from q2,oct-dec gets value from q3,jan-14 to mar-14 gets values from q4
apr month forecast
1 , 2,2, 2, 2, 2, 2, q1/3,q1/3,-----------------,q4/3
may month forecast file
1, 2,2, 2 ,2, 2, 2, q1/3,-----------------------,q5/3
For Third Quarter
jul-sep gets values from q1,oct-dec gets value from q2,jan14-mar14 gets from q3,apr14-jun14 gets value from q4
12 month columns.these month columns are dynamic example if this month is march
12 columns are march-2013,apr-2013,-----------------,feb-2014
Final forecast file looks like this
1 2, 2 , 3, 4, 5,7 ,q1/3,q2/3,----------------------,q5/3
If it is march. march falls on first quarter so march value is q1/3
apr,may jun,falls on sencond quarter so apr,may,june value is q2/3
feb-2014,falla on q4 quarte so feb-2014 value is q4/3
For next month i.e apr falls on quarter two now my apr-jun quarter gets value from q1
jul-sep gets value from q2,oct-dec gets value from q3,jan-14 to mar-14 gets values from q4
apr month forecast
1 , 2,2, 2, 2, 2, 2, q1/3,q1/3,-----------------,q4/3
may month forecast file
1, 2,2, 2 ,2, 2, 2, q1/3,-----------------------,q5/3
For Third Quarter
jul-sep gets values from q1,oct-dec gets value from q2,jan14-mar14 gets from q3,apr14-jun14 gets value from q4