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Calculating late hours exceeding the 24 hours


Active Member
Please find the attached file, facing issue to calculating the late hours if hours are exceeding from 24. Less than 24 hours formula result is perfect.


  • Late Arrival.xlsx
    11.8 KB · Views: 5
As I am rookie, May be I am wrong...
what we want is sum total of hours, ex., 25:01:00 instead of 01:01:00,
please try with change in Format Cell(Time) (ex., 37:55:00 )...
I am also waiting for experts reply.


  • Late Arrival.xlsx
    11.8 KB · Views: 3
Right click your cell - Format Cells - Number Tab - Select Custom - Type: scroll down to and select [h]:mm:ss - OK
If you don't need the seconds just enter manually [h]:mm in the Type bar
(BTW using merged cells for your dates is a bad idea and will get you into trouble for further analysis)
Also your formula can be shortened to


  • Late Arrival.xlsx
    11.8 KB · Views: 6
Last edited:
Hi @pecoflyer
Please have a look at the sheet I have added more data in next rows and while dragging the formula down its giving incorrect answer.


  • Late Arrival (1).xlsx
    13.1 KB · Views: 8


cell AI3 =SUMIFS(E3:AH3,E$1:AH$1,"In",E3:AH3,">"&TIME(8,0,0))-COUNTIFS(E3:AH3,">" & TIME(8,0,0),E$1:AH$1,"In")*TIME(8,0,0)
and copy down
( your expected result in row 4 does not seem correct)