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Calculating Dates in a Range


New Member
I'm trying to come up with a formula to calculate # of days passed from a range of cells... Example: Cells D125:AD125 contain 2 dates; 11/20/2012 (in D125) and 1/3/2013 (in M125). I want to automatically calculate the age of each and count them to display how many are <30 days, how many are 30-59 days, how many are 60-89 days, etc. (I do have a column for each age range; so column AF is <30, AG is 30-59, etc.) I've tried COUNT, COUNTIF, DAYS360, etc... Can't seem to get it right. Any suggestions would be greatly appreicated! Thanks!

Date ranges/groupings are in 30 day groups.

Text or nothing is in cell AE2.

The dates in future have age < 0 whereas dates in the past have ages > 0.

formula in AF2:

may not the be best solution...but it works

This is assuming the following layout:

A1=first date

B1=second date

C1=If <30 Column

D1=If >=30 and <59 Column

E1:If >=60 and <89 Column

**Additional columns could be added as needed.


A2= none

B2= none

C2= =IF(B2-A2<30,B2-A2,"")

D2= =IF(AND(B2-A2>=30,B2-A2<60),B2-A2,"")

E2= =IF(AND(B2-A2>=60,B2-A2<90),B2-A2,"")

what this will do is it will look at the difference between the dates in b1 & a1.

-- if the Difference is <30 the value will show up in Col.C. (if it is not, nothing will be displayed)

-- If the difference is equal to or greater than 30 and less than 60, the value will show up in Col.D. (if it is not, nothing will be displayed)

-- the same happens in Col.E.

does this work for what you are needing?
Luke, what does COLUMN(A$1)represent in your formula? When I use that formula as is... the result is "1/1"..
I've gotten this to work in a different sheet using a cell for TODAY() and a cell for calculations of each date, but in that case, I'm only counting one record at a time. In this new sheet, i'm trying to count the number of xx in a range.
Correction to my response to Luke... the cell was displaying as a date. Fixed that/changed to Number and it now shows 1 ;) What about the 30-60, 60-90, etc. Sorry, I'm pretty new at intricate formulas.

My other sheet is laid out as follows:

Cell A1: TODAY()

Cell A2: 11/20/2012

Cell A3: =$A$1-A2

Cell A4: =COUNTIF(A3,"<30")

Cell A5: =IF(AND(30<A3,A3<60),1,0)

Cell A6: =IF(AND(60<A3,A3<90),1,0)

Cell A7: =COUNTIF(A3,">90")

So that works great, but if I want to count multiple cells/dates, that's where my challenge is...
Hi Vanguter ,

Can you download the following file and see if this is what you want ?

I have copied Luke's formula.


The COLUMN function is there to serve as a counter, starting an increment count at 1. So, it first evaluates to

When you copy the cell to the right, it becomes

So, each cell, in order, finds out how manys cells are older than 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, etc. The -SUM(...)[/code] bit is to subtract the portion that we've already counted (since we want 30-59, not 0-59).
Hi Luke,

Not sure if this matters to the OP, but if there are dates greater than TODAY(), the first value returned by the COUNTIF formula would include a count of those future dates.

I took a slightly different direction with the calculation, to allow the user to specify the actual age range of interest:

Assuming that the age is indicated as below (in cells A1:C5):

Low	High	Count
0	30	3
31	60	1
61	90	1
91	600	2
The following formula in cell C2, would indicate the count corresponding to the age for dates between A2 and B2:

=INDEX(FREQUENCY(N(IF(ISNUMBER(DateData),(DateToCheck-DateData))), CHOOSE({1,2}, A2,B2)), 2)

entered with Ctrl + Shift + Enter

and copied down to C3:C5

Here "DataData" refers to the range of cells with dates, and "DateToCheck" refers to "=TODAY()", etc.

My sample test data was as follows:

12/15/2012	blank	12/28/2012	blank	2/5/2013	3/15/2013
10/15/2012	11/15/2012	2/2/2012	3/15/2012	blank	1/3/2013
and DateToCheck was set to "1/8/2013"



Edit: You can remove the N() from the above formula, since it is not needed.


A silly doubt. It seems as this year I'm more curious than before... I've sometimes read "the OP..." and as my English is neither native nor slang/local, would you -or anybody else- please tell me what does OP mean? Thanks in advance.

Good evening my friend

I can say that as a person who has answered over 3000 times your are with out doubt an ORIGINAL POSTER

Hi, my friend!

Didn't I say it was a silly doubt? Ha ha ha...

Thanks a lot for enlighten the obscurity of my ignorance with a beam of wisdom.


PS: I was wrong, I should've said it was a very very very silly doubt.