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Calculate time difference between two dates excluding Sunday and 1/2 day for Saturday


I want to calculate the time difference between the two dates excluding Sunday. Total works hours per day is 8 hours starting from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m and during saturday it is 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

I have written this formula..but it is not working properly.


Where A6,B6 are start and end date & time, F11:F20 are holidays

Could anyone help me out to correct this formula

Hi Shankar ,

This is the problem with such monster formulae ; no one , probably not even the originator , might be interested in taking a relook at them !

If you can do it , use helper columns , and develop a formula , you and anyone else for that matter , can understand and maintain.

Narayank is correct that the clearest way to do this would be to list all dates on a separate sheet with holidays and hours worked next to each one and sum these up. But if you want to do this using a single formula here is one possibility (not too thoroughly tested)...

Suppose you want to find work hours between:

B2 = 6-jun 10:00
C2 = 9-jun 16:00

You could split into separate cases {weekdays,saturdays} and {start;middle;end} and sum the results:


With cell references containing the date times:
