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Calculate hours elapsed rather than time

I've a spread sheet which is meant to calculate the amount of overtime hours an employee has worked up over a year.
The formula works fine until overtime hours worked exceeds 24 hours.
For example:
current overtime hours are: 22:00
Employee works another: 03:00
excel reverts to 24 hours format giving: 01:00
I want it to return: 25:00

how do I reset excel to do what I want it to do?
Hi Kevin ,

Can you say what value is in the cell where you get 481 ? Is it as the result of a formula ? If so , what is the formula , and what do the cells , on which this formula result is dependent , contain ?

If two cells contain the time values 22:00 and 03:00 , adding them together should give you 25:00 ; if the two contain 22:00 and the integer value 3 , adding them together will give 94:00:00 and so on. If you are getting 481 as the result , then your times are not really time values.

Hi, kevinonearth!
Could you either describe the worksheet layout indicating displayed values and cell formats, or better indeed upload a sample file?
Maybe you're seeing a value of hours but it's actually a value in days + hours, if so could you confirm that the difference of days is 19? Because 19*24=456, 456+25=481. Blind shot, yes...