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Break on Unhandeled Error


Excel Ninja
In my macro, I often use "On Error Resume Next", but in some PC, my Colleagues set their

"VBA > Tools > Option > General > Error Tapping" as Break on all errors, and my macro fail to "Goto ErrorHandler".

I need a object (something like Application.ErrorCheckingOption) to set Error Tapping option to "Break on Unhandeled Error" = TRUE, and again rollback to old Error Tapping option.

Thanks in advance..
Looks like you need:

Application.SetOption "Error Trapping", 2




Thanks Hui.. I am a big FAN of you..

above both reference are enough for me to argue with my TESTING team.. :)

'Application.GetOption & Application.SetOption, both needs Tools > Reference.. "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Library.DLL,

Unfortunately..this DLL is not available in my system. Don't worry, I will fix it from my VB6 :)