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Borders Missing After Updating to Office2010


New Member
I just updated to Office2010. I have a few tables in Excel that are supposed to have "All Borders", but the border on the bottom of the entered data is not showing up. All of the data has "All Borders" appearing properly, just not the bottom row. I have done everything I can think of. Does anybody know the solution to this problem?
hmm, first I would try inserting a new cell or maybe removing a cell. Then maybe try convert it to an actual Table (Ctrl T anywhere in your table) If its already a table try bring back to a normal range then re convert it again. Otherwise copy the contents of the table out, paste them as values into a new worksheet then apply borders to that, then go ahead and paste that over the top of your old one.

two more ideas as well as what is mentioned above

Ensure that none of the fields have been selected and filtered

Select the table and remove any conditional formatting