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blocking sheets from viewing


New Member
I have excel 2007
My data file has multiple sheets.
I want some of the sheets to be
blocked from viewing.
I have tried the Hide option
but anybody and Un-hide it.
Any other method for that

Good day Jennifer

You could set permissions but as with hide these could easily be undone, even those set with a password. Excel security is weaker than that of national governments.
Hi Jennifer,

You can try to Protect Workbook (not to be confused with Protect Sheet) and have "Structure"-checked. This way the option "Unhide" will be grayed out.
Hi, jenniferpastan!

Fully agreeing with b(ut)ob(ut)hc (whom I guess has taken seriously a couple of my comments elsewhere regarding Excel security -I used to take them seriously too, centuries ago, now I laugh at them-), it'll all depends on your users skills, the data privacy, and a few more factors like intra/out company access/distribution, commercial/copyright ideas, and the list goes on.

Depending on those points, I'd start at least with shrivallabha's suggestion with the addition of protecting the VBA project with a password, and give it a try. If that proves to be enough, well you're very lucky or your users aren't even like Caesar (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1318514/); if you do require further security (and I repeat, absolutely not bullet proof in any way) maybe you want to check this topic:
and in particular from this post in advance:

Hope it helps. As Excel per se absolutely won't.

Thanks for the reply and various options given to me.
Let me go through it and will be back with the same in a day or two.

thanks again