Although a simple data set. I am looking for the best way to effectively graph this. This data set will mimic what I will be making every month. Individuals will be looking at the data each day to see the updated info. The graph will never exceed a month.
I just want to see what ideas you guys have design wise. I know how to implement it, I just need some design ideas. Also the individuals don't exactly have 20/20 vision so please keep this in mind.
Although a simple data set. I am looking for the best way to effectively graph this. This data set will mimic what I will be making every month. Individuals will be looking at the data each day to see the updated info. The graph will never exceed a month.
I just want to see what ideas you guys have design wise. I know how to implement it, I just need some design ideas. Also the individuals don't exactly have 20/20 vision so please keep this in mind.