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Best chart for time comparison with irregular intervals



I've decided to switch out my pencil&paper tracking of my power consumption at home to a digital version.

This is a personal project so no pressure, but still, I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t try to push my Excel software to the max :)

I have some idea’s with time filters, comparisons I’d like, warnings when I consumed too much power in a certain time, …

But my problem lies with the fact that I am very irregular in checking the meter stand. So it’s not like each 7 days that I head down in my cellar to note the current status. For example sake:

Date      |   status
01-jan-2013  |  100
05-jan-2013  |  110
18-jan-2013  |  130
06-feb-2013  |  180
So you see, the days between each status is irregular, yet I’d still like to get a feel for time in my comparisons, preferably over a 1 year period.

I was thinking about a few methods:

- Bar / Line chart combo. A bar at the date of the update, and then a line between updates to help me visualise a rise/drop in usage during that period.

- Standard table with an extra column showing difference compared to past update & difference in daily usage (so dividing the usage by the number of days for that period = daily usage)

On paper I used the latter approach. I jotted down what the difference was and unless that was a significant spike (example: water usage -> could be a leak) I don’t have to take actions :) (and yes, I'm pushing this onto my water & gas usage as well :))

So to sum it up in one question:

How would you compare data in time with different time intervals?


I'd be inclined to chart the Power Usage per day


1-5 Jan = (110-100)/4 days = 2.5 units per day

5-18 jan = (130-110)/13 days = 1.54 units per day

18 jan - 6 feb = (180-130)/19 days = 2.63 units per day

then plot those against the end date of each period

That way you should see changes in the average rate and possible take notes, like 5-18 Jan Hot weather heating required

I'd also plot the average for all your data on to see if it is Hi/Lo