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Below text i want to pull from formula the only text LIGT. i.e., from left.


New Member
Dear All,

Below text i want to pull from formula the only text LIGT. i.e., from left.
Please for a general formula.
Route237 - LIGT02-M Maintenance of Emergency Lighting
can you attach a sample excel sheet - with expected results

left of LIGT is
Route237 -

is that what you want


  • left - etaf.xlsx
    9 KB · Views: 5
Dear All,

Below text i want to pull from formula the only text LIGT. i.e., from left.
Please for a general formula.
Route237 - LIGT02-M Maintenance of Emergency Lighting

Hello Akma

Here is the dynamic formula to extract the text "LIGT" from the given text, you can use the following formula:

=IFERROR(MID(A1, SEARCH(" - ", A1) + 3, SEARCH("-", A1, SEARCH(" - ", A1) + 3) - SEARCH(" - ", A1) - 3), "")

Assuming your text is in cell A1, this formula works by finding the position of the first " - " and then extracting the characters between that position and the next "-". It uses the `SEARCH` and `MID` functions.

Make sure to adjust the cell reference if your text is in a different cell. If you have different variations in your data, you might need to tweak the formula accordingly.