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Average of multiple percentages


New Member
I'm working on a spreadsheet that is divided by month with a numerator, denominator and percentage within each month column. I didn't start listing n/d until April so Jan, Feb and Mar are just percentages. I have all the formulas entered for all cells except the year-to-date percentage. I can't figure out how to do this. Right now I have this formula: '=AVERAGE(B5:C5:D5:G5:J5:M5:p5:S5:V5:Y5:AB5:AE5)' but I'm pretty sure it's wrong. I'm trying to calculate the YTD Percentage Totals for each row and avoiding the columns that have the n/d data. I would appreciate any suggestions! Thanks!

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Can you upload a sample file for us to see

If you read the 3 Green Sticky posts at the top of http://chandoo.org/forums/

These posts explain how the Chandoo.org Forums work. One of the posts describes how to Upload files.

Have you looked at the Averageifs() function ?