Long ago I've worked on a project where something alike happened. The corporate HQ asked for quarterly reports and stats, and comparisons against last Q, same Q previous year, running Qs current year, up to here everything fine, but there was couple of sub-reports that compared quarterly info against the average of the last 12/24/36/48/60 months in Q (4/8/...).
With the figure that represented quantities, amounts, cases, no problem... but some of them were averages! What for? I still don't know, but I was sent back summary reports made at HQ where they handled Q average of let's say selling (100+150+120=370/3=123,33, 80/100+120=300/3=100, and so on) and they calculate an averages of averages (123,33+100=223,33/2=116,67), they build bells with them, calculated StdDev, and a lot of stuff... What for? Somebody half-drunk half-sleepless might have asked for that.
I don't know if xenomorph8472's facing the same scenario, if so, well, we can ask him/her why and how for all gods sake is used that info of the average of averages (which I agree that it's a overall false average); if not, he'd have noticed Montrey advise...