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Automatically overriding the y-axis auto-generated settings


New Member

I'm relatively new to charts with excel and I'm trying to figure out a work around for my chart.

I have a stacking chart with 5 series. The 5th series is the aggregate of the previous 4 but what I've done is I've made the 5th series invisible except for the data label. This allows me to have 4 stacked, coloured bars with a total value sitting over the top (the label from the 5th series!).

It looks pretty good except that the y-axis max. range is automatically set at a value just over double the size it needs to be for the 4 'visible' series because it is determining the max. value of the axis as if the 5th series data 'bar' is visible. I can over-ride the value which is what I've been doing (just by halving the max. value) but it would be great if this could happen automatically.

...unless there is another way of acheiving this entirely?

Many thanks


Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Select the 5th series and assign it to the secondary axis

[list type=decimal]Select the 5th series

Right Click

Format Data Series

Plot Series on - Secondary Axis[/list type=decimal]

Then set the scale of the axis to the same values as the primary vertical axis