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Autofit to '1


New Member
I was asked in class assignment to Autofit a column, the column D had cash figures with a $ sign. I selected column D,

went to the Home tab and

selected Format in the Cells group.

Then I selected "Autofit Column Width"

The autmatic answer said I had got it wrong I should have Autofit to "1"

What did I do wrong and how can I correct it?
That's an odd one. Other possible solutions:

Hover mouse over right side of column header till you see double arrow. <-|->

Double-click to auto-fit column. (Tip: If you select multiple columns and then do this, all the selected columns will be autofitted)

Double check question. Did it perhaps say to change alignment rather than autofit? You can give cells an alignment that has an indent of 1...
Hovering and using the double arrow, produces the same result.

No it is no change alignment, it says Autofit.

I have asked the instructor as well, let's see if I get an anwser.

Thanks for trying Luke!

I will post an answer if I do!