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Autofill along rows with a mouse click


Good evening - should be a quick answer to this....

I stumbled across the genius short cut of clicking on the small box in the bottom right hand side of a highlighted cell to autofill downwards in a column


Made me think if there was a similar trick for autofilling along a row (from left to right)

The more I learn about Excel the more I realise the less I know!!


Hi, Austinma!

I don't know if this is exactly what you're asking for but here are my two cents:

1) fast filling by copy

a) enter something in A1:A3

b) select that range

c) click and hold on little black square at bottom right

d) drag vertically

The same can be done horizontally, inputting in A1:C1 and dragging thru A row

2) fast filling series

a) enter a number in A1, let's say 1

b) enter a number in A2, let's say 3

c) select A1:A2

d) click and hold on same place

e) drag vertically

The same can be done horizontally, inputting in A1:B1 and dragging thru A row

Hope it helps.


You can add buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar or a Custom Tab which allows you to Fill Right, Left and Up

These are all available from the Customise Quick Access Toolbar and Customise the Ribbon menus or by Right click on the Quick Access Toolbar
Good morning SirJB7 & Hui,

Once again thanks for your help with this question.


All good suggestions both of which I'm pleased to say I currently do. The beauty of the vertical autofill I highlighted in my original post is that it works really well when you have a large number of cells to fill. Hold and drag methods suffer when you have to drag down through multiple screens of data.


I like this idea - Particularly if it can autofill in other directions too, I'm going to give this a go and let you know how I get on.

BTW - do you guys not have to sleep at some point!!




In my case, it depends on the day, sometimes I work in "normal" hours (9am thru 6pm), sometimes at night (now it's 3am, I'm GMT-3), and sometimes I don't work for many days (I've been on holiday from Sat thru Tue).
