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Auto-Update of Cells when Drop Down List Value Change


New Member
Hello, Can you please help me

I need a macro to update automatically old values from a drop down list with new values.

My Drop Down List Source is in sheet1 Column A1:A3
-Old values are "Banana", "Pear", "Apple"
-New Values are " B", "P", "A"

Column using this Drop Down list is in Sheet 2 --> Column G5:G34
If source values in Sheet1 change I would like Sheet2 G5:G34 to be updated using the new value
Meaning: If I had Banana in Sheet2 G5 and the Drop Down value has been changed from "Banana" to "B"
I need all the "Bananas" to update to the new Value "B"

Is this possible?

I would highly appreciate your help

Thanks a lot
You seems to do a new thread.
Please, reread Forum Rules
especially How to get the Best Results at Chandoo.org -part
You seems to do a new thread.
Please, reread Forum Rules
especially How to get the Best Results at Chandoo.org -part

Thanks for the Advice Vletm. Updated with TAGs and with and Attach Example :)


  • Example.xlsx
    10.6 KB · Views: 8
Many Thanks Vletm.

But Solution provided is not working on my side.

-Problem is Values from Sheet 1 (Source), can change any time, to any possible Text Value.
-Then Sheet2 ( Column G), that is using those values should be able to update/replace ALL cells with the new Value anytime, immediately.

For instance if:
- in Sheet 2 if: G3 was Apple and Sheet1: changes 'Apple' to 'COW'
- G3 has to change automatically ALL Values "Apple" by "COW "(as COW is the Value replacing Apple)

On the example provided, this is not happening, only the Droplist is updated by the Cells using old value are not updated with New Value.

Hope this clarifies a little
For me, everything is as clear as You have written.
You should have written, what do You really would like to get.
If You think something and You've written something else - then You would get something else - not something!
Did You ask to update Sheet2-values if You've changed Sheet1-values ... did You?
Please reread Your original wish.
Is there still more some details which could effect Your challenge?
As You know - even minor changes - would mean to start from zero.

It's good that someone else also has read Forum Rules - I have to reread those daily.
There are many parts, as well as those which You remember - there are eg:
  • When drafting a question, try and lay out the question in a clear and concise way.
  • Try and tell the readers what is the situation, what have you tried and what do you want to achieve.
  • Don't leave out information more info is better
Above bolded texts are one way to show some words - of course, there could use other ways too and one exclamation point.
As You know - writing any code is 10% coding and 90% testing.
The default is as written above by blue.

Yes, You gave thanks ... but after that Your wrote something which would need a lot of guessing.
But Solution provided is not working on my side.
It works as You've written. Of course, there are many other things - what that code do not do.
About Your
changed wishes ... have You read those lines, which You have written? Those could be more clear.
To do those manually or to do those by code ...
The challenge is - how to explain to Excel - Your needs as You've written - Excel will do only as it has asked to do.

Could You give some ideas - how could give smooth feedback in this kind of case?
If someone asks something, but actually someone has wanted something else.

It was a rainy day.
Last edited:
Hello Vtlem.

I've been advised to 're-read the conditions' to write on the Forum, but I can see by the answer above, that not all users apply the 'politeness' and 'respect' code as your answer is very rude and disrespectful (Including exclamation points and bold letters).

I consider myself a total Dummy on VBA. Thus, if my second explanation according to you changed the initial objective, my apologies for that.

No more details than the mentioned already should be affecting my challenge.

Have a very nice day
I'm still waiting for those ideas.
Did You find any challenges with Your previous explanation?
... For me, there would be ... eg modify Source's B2:B4 values as ... cow.
It's not raining today.


  • Example.xlsb
    24.8 KB · Views: 19
Hello Vletm,

Thanks for your help, seems it is raining for me today... :(

We've decided to pass the case to one of my VBA expert colleagues due to time constraints on my side. Seems, I can explain myself better in a Demo than writing (or I hope so ) XD. In any case thanks for the time. This case can be closed.