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Auto Sort


Active Member
Hello Sir,

Is it possible to create a Auto Sorting in excel when the workbook is saving on each time or ask for Auto Sorting

The answer is yes

You can setup a VBA routine to run either when you click a button or when the file is saved

We would need some more information like the Sheet name, Table Name or Range and Data Fields you want to sort on to assist any further
Hello Sir,

here is a sample work book for your kind information


have a look here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/65728154/Book100_IH.xls

There is a VBA Module with a Subroutine "SortMe"

There is a User Form for use when you Ctrl S

There is a small Subroutine in the Workbook Module and

A Button On Sheet1 to sort at any time

Have a look through and see what you think
Hello Mr. Hui Sir,

Sir I am facing problem with vlookup formula while i am using the formula link between two sheets they are 1. Dispatch Register and 2. Sheet 15 the formula is used in Sheet 15 for your information i am enclose the sample book and kindly suggest me for that mistake why it's happening


Please read the 3 Green Sticky Posts on http://chandoo.org/forums/

In these posts you will read that this is a Public Forum where the respondents (Me and many others) respond for free. However we do it in our own time and without pressure to meet any deadlines.

If you want to pay for a prompt service, there are many individuals or organizations who will be happy to charge you for this service.

As a second point you will also read that you should start new questions rather than tack them to existing posts.

This is required for two reasons, but simply it is easier to search and also easier to follow a conversation when there is only 1 question per post.

I have looked at your question and you are getting the right answer.

Using: the formula from Sheet15!B6: =VLOOKUP('Dispatch Register'!B6,PPC_STOCK,2,FALSE)

VLookup looks up the first occurrence of the value 'Dispatch Register'!B6

in the first column of the PPC_Stock named formula, which is PPC

it then goes across to the second Column and returns 28/04/2012

and a similar issue for Cell F6

So I am suggesting that you are asking for the wrong value

What are you trying to achieve in that Table on Sheet15 ?

Can you use the Sl. No as the reference in the lookup ?
Thank Q Sir

Actually i want to know the stock position how much stock i received and how much stock i moved. Still i didn't create the Receive Register, to day i am going to create the Receive Register. I Think you looked in Sheet15 there is a column for O.B. and Receive in the receive column link with Receive Register

and i didn't use the Sl.No. as the Reference in the Lookup!