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Auto-naming worksheets in a workbook under certain conditions

Here's an example macro that illustrates DoEvents. The macro runs a long counter and changes the value in A1 (so you can see it working) but you can still do some basic operations, like select different cells/worksheets, minimize workbook.

Sub ExampleDoEvents()
x = 1
For i = 1 To 10000000

If i Mod 1000 = 0 Then
x = x + 1
Range("A1").Value = x
End If
Next i
End Sub
So I'm not sure if this might be connected to my problem, but what is the purpose of the "SelectionChanged" portion of the code below?

For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Name <> "Summary" Then
If ws.Range("C5") <> "<>" And ws.Range("C5") <> "" Then
If Not SelectionChanged Then
SelectionChanged = True
End If
i = 0
CellValue = ws.Range("C5").Value
NewName = CellValue
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
ws.Name = NewName
'Only want to goto error handler if problem
'is here, so we reset the On Error statement
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End If
Next ws
Hmm. I believe that was in there to make sure only 1 sheet got selected. I.e, when it starts renaming sheets, it will select the first one that gets renamed, but won't select any other ones.
So I just figured out where the problem is. If Range("C5") has more characters than a ws.Name will allow, the loop gets an error for which it cannot correct. Is there a simple line of code that I can put in perhaps near NewName = CellValue that will tell it to take only the maximum number of characters? Or do I need to create an ErrHandler that will address this specific issue? What would such a code look like?
For what it's worth, I have a formula that will give me the correct answer:


This will give me the first 28 characters, which is what I want to use, but I am not sure how to work that into my code.
Solved my own problem. I used a hidden cell with the formula above to extract the first 28 characters from C5 and then made that the reference for the cell name. Worked like a charm.
You can use this code:

NewName = Left(CellValue,28)
Nice thing about Left is that if CellValue is less than 28 characters, the whole thing gets passed to NewName, no problems. Otherwise, it gets trimmed.
This was not in my earlier post, but the C5 value was referenced else where in a named range that was driving information in a series of index equations. So I have to have a cell that references the correct name of the tab name in order to make sure the named range works correctly.
C5 needs to display the sheet name?


Putting this anywhere in a sheet will display the sheet name.

*Shouldn't matter in your case, but for later readers, this formula only works w/ a workbook that has been saved already.