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Auto-forwarding an Email received from a specific Email address After slight modifications


Excel Ninja
Hi All:

Need some help with outlook macro...

I get emails from an id: someone@example.com

Subject line of these emails will be in three formats as below:

1.Industrial Production NSA YoY FALLS x% {IT}
2.(Surprise) Industrial Production MoM RISES x% {IT}
3.*CORRECTION* Industrial Production NSA YoY FALLS x% {IT}

Whenever I receive email from this email id, I want to

1.Modify the subject line by adding country name (based the code at the end of the subject: {IT} = Italy) as below:

a.Italy Industrial Production NSA YoY FALLS x% {IT}
b.(Surprise) Italy Industrial Production MoM RISES x% {IT}
c.*CORRECTION* Italy Industrial Production NSA YoY FALLS x% {IT}

2.Delete unnecessary content from the email

Example of email body below….I want only the part that is highlighted in Red

--- Original Sender: xxx xxx, xxxxxxxxx/ 000 xxx ---

----- Original Message -----

From: xxx xxx (xxxxxxxxx/ 000 xxx)

To: xxxxxx xxxxxxx (xxxxxx xxxxxx xx)

At: 1/13 4:00:00

Industrial Production NSA YoY (Italy) {IT}


ACTUAL : -000000

PRIOR : -000000


SURVEY : -- (Mean: --, High: --, Low: --)

To view breakdown of survey numbers by economist: {xxxxxx xxxxx}

To view Economic Forecast for this country: {xxxx xxx}

Chart and details: {xxxxxx xxx}

To change your alert settings: {00} and click on alert icon

To manage this alert in ALRT: {xxxx xxxx}

3.Then forward this to a distribution list eg: someone@example.com

I get around 100 such emails…any help to automate the process would very helpful…

Thanks in Advance