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Auto Delete Rows

Hi, nnavarro!

There is the crux of the matter, as my older relatives used to say.

You can't use tables with this method. BTW, what do you need them for?

Try to do this:

1) keeping the workbook with your actual data

a) open it

b) open my file

c) copy sheet 'Data Dump New' to your workbook

d) copy actual data from the original source

e) paste actual data into new sheet copied

f) test process clicking on mouse button


2) using my uploaded workbook

a) open it

b) open the workbook with your actual data

c) copy actual data from the original source

d) paste actual data into sheet 'Data Dump New'

e) test process clicking on mouse button

If none works, well... what about taking a sabbatical week, go fishing to a quiet and lost river and forget all this? :)

Otherwise you'll have to do one of two things:

- convince me about your insistence in using tables (here, not everywhere, where I use them too)

- preparing a couple of 21 years old Johnnie Walker Blue Label (I'd say one, just for me, but I guess that Chandoo, b(ut)ob(ut)hc and Montrey would be trying to hunt me if I don't use the floo network to share it with them...)

Just a joke, see this topic:



PS: Just a joke the second bottle only, ha ha ha...
Hi SirJB7,

You guys are so funny:) Using tables is out the door. It was the opposite you convinced of my wrong table doings. Earlier you answered one of my questions regarding copying formulas to the rows below (Appreciate). So I thought screw this stupid table and use SirJB7’s macro. I copied it and modified it but it is not working. Can you help a brother out? I think that this will accomplish what I am trying to do.

Also how do you move the macro bottom from the data dump to the input data tab.



Hi SirJB7,

You guys are so funny:) Using tables is out the door. It was the opposite you convinced of my wrong table doings. Earlier you answered one of my questions regarding copying formulas to the rows below (Appreciate). So I thought screw this stupid table and use SirJB7’s macro. I copied it and modified it but it is not working. Can you help a brother out? I think that this will accomplish what I am trying to do.

Also how do you move the macro bottom from the data dump to the input data tab.



Hi, nnavarro!

I think you only missed defining the code for the macro button control's click event:


Private Sub cmdMacro_Click()
End Sub

You can manually add these lines to the worksheet 'Data Dump New' code area (Alt-F11) or from the sheet, Programmer tab, Controls group, Design Mode icon, then right click on command button, View Code, and you'll be prompted with the 'Private Sub... End Sub' where you should overtype the blank line with the name of the procedure called.

BTW, the file you uploaded weights 27Mb, it's a lot, and even if I deleted the hidden sheet 'Data Dump New Backup' (unnecessary) it was 25Mb: the problem is with sheet 'Invalid Data', so deleting blank rows and blank columns, it went down to 51Kb.

I uploaded this version:


Hope it works, amigo!

Buenas Noches SirJB7,

Are you getting tired of me already? Sorry to keep bothering you :). The macro to copy the formulas is not working. Did I do something wrong? I would like for the data dump tab to copy the formulas down for columns A,J,K,l,M,N. So if I enter information in row 3,4,5,6,7,9 it automatically copies all the formulas in columns A,J,K,l,M,N from the original/first row. I copied this from a prior response and made some changes. Also how do I move button control to the tab input data in row D4

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' constants
Const ksTriggerRange = "B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I"
Const ksFormulaRange = "A,J,K,L,M,N,"
Const kiFirstFormula = 2
Const kiWitnessColumn = 1
' declarations
Dim I As Long, J As Long, K As Long, A As String, bOk As Boolean
Dim rng As Range, lCalculationMode As Long
Dim sTriggerArray() As String, sFormulaArray() As String
' start
Application.EnableEvents = False
lCalculationMode = Application.Calculation
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'  arrays
ReDim sTriggerArray(Len(ksTriggerRange) - Len(Replace(ksTriggerRange, ",", "")))
ReDim sFormulaArray(Len(ksFormulaRange) - Len(Replace(ksFormulaRange, ",", "")))
'  trigger
I = 0
For J = 1 To UBound(sTriggerArray)
K = InStr(I + 1, ksTriggerRange, ",")
A = Mid$(ksTriggerRange, I + 1, K - I - 1)
I = K
sTriggerArray(J) = A
Next J
'  formula
I = 0
For J = 1 To UBound(sFormulaArray)
K = InStr(I + 1, ksFormulaRange, ",")
A = Mid$(ksFormulaRange, I + 1, K - I - 1)
I = K
sFormulaArray(J) = A
Next J
'  ranges
bOk = False
For I = 1 To UBound(sTriggerArray)
Set rng = Application.Intersect(Target, _
Range(sTriggerArray(I) & ":" & sTriggerArray(I)))
If Not (rng Is Nothing) Then
bOk = True
Exit For
End If
Next I
If Not bOk Then Exit Sub
' process
With Target
For I = 1 To .Rows.Count
For J = 1 To UBound(sFormulaArray)
A = sFormulaArray(J) & ":" & sFormulaArray(J)
K = .Row + I - 1
If ActiveSheet.Cells(K, kiWitnessColumn).Value <> "" Then
If K <> kiFirstFormula Then
ActiveSheet.Cells(kiFirstFormula, Range(A).Column).Copy _
ActiveSheet.Cells(K, Range(A).Column)
End If
End If
Next J
Next I
End With
' end
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Calculation = lCalculationMode
End Sub

I am so sorry I keep asking but I am trying to learn it.




EDITED by SirJB7, just for indenting purposes only.
Hi, nnavarro!

Don't say such a thing, man... at least not today, tomorrow who knows :=)

As I wrote at your previous post bottom I edited the code for indenting purposes only. You can post indented text embedding it within backticks.

When I read a new entry at this topic I screamed "what in the earth might have happened now with the ranges, tables, list objects and Co.?", but when I saw that it was another issue I breathed quietly and colors came back to my face.

Now seriously, the problem is with constant kiWitnessColumn.

As you might have seen the whole process should be executed each time you modify a cell in columns of ksTriggerRange, copying cells (which are supposed to contain formulas) specified at ksFormulaRange. It starts with a un-updatable row for original formulas (kiFirstFormula, which has a value of 2: source is then row 2).

But that wasn't efficient at all since it copied multiple times formulas in same row: each time you edit/input a cell in ksTriggerRange.

So then it appeared the trick: while you input data copy process is filtered by checking if a particular column is empty or not: kiWitnessColumn, i.e., the last column inputted after which can formulas be copied.

We're ok till now? In my very first example it was set to 1 (column A) -wrongly- but as it copied all the other cell formulas I (should say we?) didn't notice it. Now that the deleting rows issue is finished (it's finished, isn't it? and if not I'm closing my eyes and won't read... joke), it arises but it should have appeared from the first time.

Solution: change it to 3 (column C) or to any other column that will always be entered and after which formulas can be copied, that's to say, the last or main column that's used for formula calculations.

I apologize for the error, but I didn't catch it before.

Now change it, try it and tell me please... but take care of my heart health, please.


Thank you so much! It works great and I don’t have any more changes. Yehhhhh!!!!! I am amazed on how you combined the two macros and made worked. The auto copy formula macro is a great addition and it works better than a table. It is like magic you paste or enter your information and magically populates all the formulas. You don’t know how but you appreciate this being done automatically.

This workbook is so polished and this would have never been achieved without you. I hope that other readers find this posting. If they do, they are going to love it and find it very helpful.

Muchas Gracias,

Hi, nnavarro!

Glad you could solve it at last. Thanks very much for your feedback and for your kind words too, maybe a little exaggerated. You know you're always welcome here (well, except for modifications about auto delete rows's topic, of course). And got my mail too, so...

Buena suerte y hasta la vista!

Well, I am breaking the rule with the auto delete rows file. Just one more favor. I want to move the the macro buttom but I just can't figure out. Can you help me with that or give me instructions on how to do it?


Hi, nnavarro!

You frightened me once more... But this is easy.

You can place 2 kind of command buttons in Excel:

a) Form controls (top half of Programmer tab, Controls group, Insert icon)

b) ActiveX controls (low half)

First one is a shape (you can add a different shape too), to which you assign a macro. And control name and macro name may be totally different. Second one is an object which has more flexibility assigning properties and viewing code. Code is always set as ControlName_Click, as it's triggered by the control click event.

First one can be moved with right button and selecting/dragging. Second one requires entering into design mode (Programmer, Controls, Design Mode) and then selecting and moving normally until exiting design mode.

Hi SirJB7,

I moved the button but when I did so I lost the functionality. The macro seems to be runing in current tab "Input" as opposed to the original "data dump"

I was also wondering if you could help me with my formula in column n. I am getting an #NA error, I tried fixing it by adding IFerror and ISerror but it didn't work.

I hope that you can help me with this two items.

Hi, nnavarro!

Looks who's here again... so long...

Summary review:

a) button move

- error, created a form control command button (top part of insert menu) and not an ActiveX command button (lower part): next time select control, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-V, then rename, that ensures same object and behavior

- calling code, ergo idem

- code was prepared for deleting rows in active sheet, so when moving button, activating/deactivating of data sheet was needed

b) cell K2, !#N/A error: missing entry for my cousin's Pay Frequency, added with dummy data

c) cell N4, !#N/A error: missing value in J4 for entry in Band Info, added ENG02 as test

Link to file:


You know the routine, just follow the yellow line :)

Hi SirJB7,

Thanks for the change and the instructions, it was very helpful. I got a question for you regarding a freak of nature. For some weird reason when I run the macro I get an error on a formula that is working well at first. I only get an error on the last part of the formula for the weekly part. It changes it from J to ref error. I attached the file with dummy data. All you need to do is run the macro and you will see what I mean. Can you please please help me with this error.

Thanks in advance.


Hi, nnavarro!

I'm afraid I couldn't reproduce you issue as I'm unable to find the dummy data.

Just three comments:

- file is empty of data, but it weights 63Mb vs the 388Kb of mine uploaded, do you remember what processes have you done on it?

- if I run the macro on the heavy file with no data, it doesn't shows the related error, but it ends with an "not enough resources to complete tha task"

- when I delete all contents of hidden sheet 'Invalid data' workbook size shrinks to 64KB, so... if you don't need to keep deleted data, then why not leaving blank cell B2 in sheet Parameters and don't use that sheet? (it was a feature asked by the guy who original posted in the topic from which we took this path, but not you...)

Could you please upload it again with data to test it and decide about file size? Thanks.

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Hi SirJB7,

I was able to fix the formula issue thank you but now I have couple of problems. 1) when I run the delete macros it gives me a bug. 2) the size of the document since I have to email it to a lot of people a smaller size will do it.

I did what you suggested. I deleted the invalid tab but now the macro is not working properly. Can you help me fix that issue.

Do you know how can I reduce the size to a manageable file? if you could help me fix these two issues I would be very greatful.



Hi, nnavarro!

I was just about missing you, I thought there was something wrong with you as you didn't post any other issue of this blessed workbook... :)

I saw you removed the 'Invalid Data' sheet but you have to remove its reference in cell B2 of sheet 'Parameters', because the code checks for the Parameters!B2 value sheet to copy deleted rows, it that cell isn't empty.

That's about the non-properly working. Now let us go to she size issue.

Interesting issue as having done what I suggested before (and which worked to downsize from 64 Mb to 388 Kb and then to 64 Kb), I still get the damned 38 Mb file.

So I began deleting non used areas, from used ranges to XFD column and to 1048576 row.

Then I checked the named ranges, and found that there was a range named 'Band_Info' from A6:H1048576 in sheet 'Input data' where it's used up to row 11, so I changed it up to row 12 to make easier adding new items. There was also a range named 'Dump_Data' from J2:J1048576 in sheet 'Data Dump New' that was neither referenced in code nor in formulas, so I deleted it.

After that I went against conditional format. Sheets 'Data Dump New' and 'Data' (what's this last one for?) have CF conditions for B2:B3000 with formulas like =$B3:$B3000="Adjustment" or =$B2:$B2986="Adjustment" where column B is the ID number (for first sheet) and the AFF code (for second sheet), so I deleted them.

New file size? 3.6 Mb, even with sheet 'Data' that I don't know if it's necessary. If not, 3.4 Mb.

Here's the usual link:


Just one humble and desperate appeal from my side... You're going to download the file, and then work as usual (because you work, don't you? I don't want to believe that all this is just for rising my blood pressure...). Well, I want you to write a short log in any format (Excel, Word, .txt) where you'll write down every operation you do with the 3.6 Mb file. When I say 'every operation' I mean every operation, from copying, deleting, moving, importing, exporting, sorting, ANYTH-ing, and periodically -as you consider properly- saving the file and checking it growth size.

Why? Because of the famous "nlmpi" reason (yeah, I know you understood, but for people who read English it's something alike "neafc" that should stand for "not even a <word of seven letters, gerund of a verb that in ancient English means fornication under consent of the King> clue").

It's the only way to take the bull by the horns, sorry to say.
