Here i really wanted to do. I wanted to create a user form like this this
First name___________
Last Name___________
Check in____________
Check Out_____________
Room Type___________
Ref folio____________
Conf #___________
Guest Bill #____________
# of nights_________
This is my user form, now when i fill in this user from it should populate the data
like this based on the # o night guest stay
A2 B2 c2 d2 e 2 f2 g2 h2
2420 Commerce Rd.
Goodland, KS 233456
USA (CellG3) .Sunny Patel
(G4)1234 Sample st.
(g5) Sample town, CO 60604
This should populte from user form)
(A10)Guest Bill # _____ of the DD/MM/YYY(This check out Date)
(A11) Stay of Sunny Patel (Sunny patel will comes from user Form)
(A12) From MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY ( Date will come from Chk in and out
date from user form)
Ref:Folio ID- 123456:Conf No.- 43831889636:Guest No.- 18731:Clerk- SPP ( 15/03/15)
(ref foilio will comes from user form, confirma comes from user form and guest no and clerk id with check in date comes from user form)
Date department Rm Qty Chrage Total
03/14/15 Cash 0 0 0.00 (44.39)
03/14/15 NQ [03/14] 216 1 39.99 39.99
03/14/15 City Tax [03/14] 216 1 0.19 0.19
03/14/15 County Tax [03/14] 216 1 0.71 0.71
03/14/15 State Tax [03/14] 216 1 2.52 2.52
03/14/15 Other Tax [03/14] 216 1 0.98 0.98
Net 39.99
Total Tax 4.40
Total Charges 44.39
Total Credit 44.39
Balance 0.00
this will populate from user from when guest will stay one night, if guest stay 2 nd ,3 rd or fourth night it should populate below this by date Tax rate for the city and state other tax are formulas based on the rate. in total column (44.39) is the payment made by the guest. On the total tax, charges , credits and balance should move down based on the # of night guest stay.
I wanted to do this via macro and user form. i know how to create the user form, but i need help to create the macro. Thank you. I have uploaded the sample file for ref.