-if I look at the daily report for utilisation and transaction per hour the data is not returning what I would expect.
hmm...? What would You expect?
If I look at the data for a specific day from 00:00 - 24:00 in one hour segments
the First hour 00:00 -01:00
Which days data?
Please, always use data, which I can compare Your notes!
if there is nothing on the bay then...
So far, the shortest period (SP) is one hour (with day) or one day (with week).
Both (Utilisation & Transaction) values shows values from the whole SP!
(above photo)
You can see
4 transactions (of 5) in 00:00-01:00 - okay? and
there can also see 3:30 for utilisation - okay?
Utilisation% will be LOW (~2%),
because there are < ALL > Factory Areas in calculations.
if [ Week ] then daily max loading hours are 13hrs,
but if [ DAY ] then hourly mar loading hours are 32minutes.
> If You meant this ... then good ... if something else then what? <
then with [ DAY ]
Utilisation% would be much higher .. ~73%!
( I modified above feature in newer version. )
Case (if 2 bays available)
If there would be ONE transactions then
utilisation can be from 0% to 100% as You have asked!
basic ... every second in SP can have one transaction!
and there could be 'as many as possible' transactions per every second.
Utilisation depends used transaction time within the shortest period and max number of bay (2).
Both (day and week) calculations solve with 'SAME FORMULAs'.
>> with [RUN/STOP], those black borders show specific times active transactions.