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Assistance reformatting text in a cell


New Member
I have multiple rows of text that are mostly two word entries. For example, some of the entries are:

Blue House

Red House

Green House

I need to reformat the text for another application so that each entry appears with an underscore between the words. For example:




Any suggestions from the awesome folks here is appreciated! Thanks as always.
Dear wlerner

Hui's solution is very simple, just Ctrl+H and replace

You can try by formula

Col-A Col-B Col-C

Blue House =A2&"_"&B2

Red House

Green House

Write the formula and copy down


You can also try the below formula if all your text in column A

Col A = Text Col B =Forumla Col

Blue House =SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","_",1) [output=Blue_House]

Red House =SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","_",1) [output=Red_House]

Green House =SUBSTITUTE(A3," ","_",1) [output=Green_House]


Suresh Kumar S
Thank you all! I can't believe I missed the "Find and Select" icon on the tool bar! Once again, the Excel masters have spoken!