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Array for counting total number of items in list, less duplicates, by month


New Member

I need help with an array.

Basically I receive a list of data as below, and need to manipulate the data to show number of times a product is listed, by month while ignoring any duplicates in the month.

Data Table:

Products| Month

Item A | March 2013

Item B | March 2013

Item A | March 2013

Item C | March 2013

Item A | March 2013

Item D | April 2013

Item D | April 2013

Item B | April 2013

Item A | March 2013

Summary Table:

Month # Unique Items

March 2013 | xxx

April 2013 | xxx

I can get ban array to work when just trying to find the total of items less any duplicates by using: {=SUM(1/CountIf(Col A,Col A))}

The issue is I can't seem to get the unique numbers by month.

If i add in a Count(If( formula it comes back with a #Value! error.

Any help getting it to work would be a lifesaver.


The file i receive is locked down except the table summary page. I usually use a pivot and update manually but with 300+ items and data that goes back 4 years this takes awhile.

I'd recommend reading this thread:


Shows how to get unique counts with a criteria, such as a specific month.
Thanks Luke, I have already attempted that one before and I just get a "0" each time.

Although in the post you say that a possible reason the original could be failing is due to the size of array?

Would that be the same for this one which gets the #Value! error: =SUM(1/COUNTIF(IF(Month=L.Month,List,0),L.Month=Month))

L.Month and List are both xrows, whereas Month is a singal cell reference.
Hi Absolution

Assuming your data is in A1:B10 including the column headers. Then to retrieve the unique months, in say D2:


And copy down.

Then in E2 to retrieve the number of the unique values per month:


To commit, CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER, and copy down

Hi, Absolution!

I like Kevin@Radstock formulas, I'd suggest you to use them.

But if you experiment a speed issue regarding great amounts of data and array formulas, maybe you want to give a look at this file:


It's a non-array formula only solution with this structure, then you can hide helper columns. In your unprotected Summary sheet do this:

A2:B2 : =SI(Hoja1!A2="";"";Hoja1!A2) -----> in english: =IF(Sheet1!A2="","",Sheet1!A2)

C2 : =SI(A2="";"";B2&"_"&A2) -----> in english: =IF(A2="","",B2&"_"&A2)

D2 : =SI(A2="";"";CONTAR.SI(C$2:C2;C2)) -----> in english: =IF(A2="","",COUNTIF(C$2:C2,C2))

E2 : =SI(A2="";"";D2&"_"&CONTAR.SI(D$2:D2;1)) -----> in english: =IF(A2="","",D2&"_"&COUNTIF(D$2:D2,1))

F2 : =SI.ERROR(INDICE(B:B;COINCIDIR(1&"_"&FILA()-1;E:E;0));"") -----> in english: =IFERROR(INDEX(B:B,MATCH(1&"_"&ROW()-1,E:E,0)),"")

G2 : =SI.ERROR(INDICE(A:A;COINCIDIR(1&"_"&FILA()-1;E:E;0));"") -----> in english: =IFERROR(INDEX(A:A,MATCH(1&"_"&ROW()-1,E:E,0)),"")

And you'll get in columns F:G the desired output.

Hi, Absolution!

Something looked strange at me when I saw the formulas and is this: Kevin@Radkstock wrote formulas for counting the number of items for each month, while I listed the items that were unique for each month. Just to don't confuse you.

I might add in further columns here...

Column C as the following:


Column D as:


you should be able to copy this down, and the lookup range should always be all rows above.

Column D will then be a count excluding duplicates. Can you get your data from there?
Thanks for all the solutions guys. Unfortuntely I am unable to add any helper cells / columns as the worksheet is locked down in a special format.

Working on it over the weekend I came up with the following solution:

rList = The range for the list numbers

rMonth = The range of Months next to the rList

Month = The lookup reference.


2 Other solutions were provided by colleagues:



Hope this helps someone else with a similiar need, otherwise... I hope you enjoy dissecting them :)

Hi, Absolution!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback sharing your solution and for your kind words too. And welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
